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Getting Started

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use the protocol in an example scenario. This guide includes a live demo that you can run with no special software required.

You can run the demo locally, or in our live replit instance using the shell command:

npm install           # Install all package dependencies.
npm run demo {chain} # Run the demo using the provided chain.

The current chains available are mutiny, signet, and testnet. The default chain is mutiny.

Create a Client

The EscrowClient is a basic client for consuming our API. It handles all tasks which do not require a signing device.

Configuring a client requires specifying a ClientConfig object. This object specifies the network to use,

import { EscrowClient } from '@scrow/core'

const config : ClientConfig = {
// The network you are using.
network : 'signet',
// The URL to an electrum-based indexer of your choice.
oracle_url : '',
// The public key of the escrow server.
server_pk : '33f9d5a021afdffb864153eefa5d353d53e2d22053dadf8577c0e2b524bac794',
// The URL to our escrow server.
server_url : '',

// Create an EscrowClient using the above config.
const client = new EscrowClient(config)

For more detailed information, check out the EscrowClient class interface.

Create a Signer

The EscrowSigner is used to represent a member of a contract, or a depositor of funds.

For development, the fastest way to setup a new signer is to generate one randomly:

import { EscrowSigner } from '@scrow/core/client'

// Generate a new EscrowSigner from scratch.
const signer = EscrowSigner.generate(config)
// Create an EscrowSigner from a passphrase (for testing).
const signer = EscrowSigner.import(config).from_phrase('alice')

For more detailed information, check out the EscrowSigner class interface.

Create a Proposal

The proposal is a simple JSON document. It can be created any number of ways:

const proposal : ProposalTemplate = {
title : 'Basic two-party contract with third-party arbitration.',
duration : 14400,
feerate : 1,
network : 'mutiny',
schedule : [[ 7200, 'close|resolve', 'payout|refund' ]],
value : 10000

A more complete proposal will have entries for paths, payments, and programs.

These entries can be specified manually, or added by an EscrowSigner through the use of roles:

const roles : RoleTemplate[] = [
title : 'buyer',
paths : [[ 'refund', 10000 ]],
programs : [
[ 'endorse', 'close|resolve', '*', 2 ],
[ 'endorse', 'dispute', 'payout', 1 ]
title : 'seller',
paths : [[ 'payout', 10000 ]],
programs : [
[ 'endorse', 'close|resolve', '*', 2 ],
[ 'endorse', 'dispute', 'refund', 1 ]
title : 'agent',
programs : [
[ 'endorse', 'resolve', '*', 1 ]

Negotiate a Proposal

For negotiation between signers, we have developed a DraftData document which users can share to collaborate:

interface DraftData {
// List of signer credentials in the proposal.
members : MemberData[]
// The main proposal document being negotiated.
proposal : ProposalData
// List of roles defined for the proposal.
roles : RolePolicy[]
// List of signer endorsements, used for readiness and indexing.
sigs : string[]

This document defines roles within the proposal, tracks which members have joined, and collects signatures from each member.

import { DraftUtil }       from '@scrow/sdk/client'
import { signers } from './02_create_signer.js'
import { proposal, roles } from './03_create_proposal.js'

* Unpack our list of signers.
const [ a_signer, b_signer, c_signer ] = signers

* Create a DraftSession object. This data object is
* useful for collaboration between signing devices.
let draft = DraftUtil.create({ proposal, roles })

* For each role in the proposal, we are going to request
* a member's signing device to join the proposal as that
* role, adding payment information as needed.
const seats = =>

draft = a_signer.draft.join(seats[0], draft)
draft = b_signer.draft.join(seats[1], draft)
draft = c_signer.draft.join(seats[2], draft)

* For each signer, we are going to collect a signature
* endorsement. This step is optional, but we can use it
* to signal readiness for a proposal to be submitted.
signers.forEach(mbr => {
draft = mbr.draft.endorse(draft)

* Verify the proposal is complete, all positions are
* filled, and endorsements are valid.

* Create a publish request. This is a request body for
* publishing a contract on the escrow server.
const publish_req = DraftUtil.publish(draft)

For more detailed information, check out the DraftSession data interfaces.

Create a Contract

Once you have put together a final draft of the proposal, the next step is to publish it on the escrow server:

import CVM              from '@scrow/sdk/cvm'
import { client } from './01_create_client.js'
import { publish_req } from './04_finish_proposal.js'

* We will need to pass in a reference to the scripting engine
* defined in the proposal, so that it can verify the terms set
* for each program.
const engine = CVM

* Request to create a new contract on the escrow server.
const res = await client.contract.create(publish_req, engine)
// Check the server response is valid.
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.error)

* The server will respond with a new contract. This contract
* will be published under a contract id (cid), which can be
* referenced for reading and funding.
const new_contract =

Once published, the contract is ready for funding. You can share the contract with others by advertising its unique identifier, the cid.

For more detailed information, check out the Contract data interfaces.

Request a Deposit Account

Before making a deposit, we need to request a unique deposit account from the escrow server:

import { config }  from './00_demo_config.js'
import { client } from './01_create_client.js'
import { signers } from './02_create_signer.js'

* Choose a signer to act as the funder of the contract.
* This signer will specify a locktime for the escrow, plus
* a return address for if / when the deposit is closed.
const funder = signers[0]
// Define our deposit locktime.
const locktime = 60 * 60 * 48 // 48 hours.
// Define a return address for the deposit.
const return_addr = 'enter return address here'

* Request a deposit account from the escrow server. This account
* will include a 2-of-2 musig deposit address, plus a commitment
* token to use when creating a covenant.
const req = funder.account.request(locktime, return_addr)
// Submit the account request to the escrow server.
const res = await client.account.request(req)
// Check the server response is valid.
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.error)
// Verify that the account is valid.

* The server will respond with a new AccountData object. This
* account will be signed using the escrow server's public key.
const new_account =

After verifying the account, funders can safely send funds to the account address. Once the transaction is visible in the mempool, we can grab the transaction's utxo data using an oracle:

* Check the contract for the total sats balance that needs to be paid.
* This balance will be the subtotal of the contract, plus transaction
* fees. We also need to include an additional fee to cover our input.
const amt_total = get_contract_balance(new_contract) + new_contract.vin_txfee
// Also convert to a BTC amount (for bitcoin core).
const btc_total = amt_total / 100_000_000
// Define the address where we will send the funds.
const address = new_account.deposit_addr
// Define a feerate for the return transaction.
const ret_rate = config.feerate
// Unpack the address from the account.
const address = new_account.deposit_addr
// Fetch all utxos from the address.
const utxos = await
// There should be a utxo present.
if (utxos.length === 0) throw new Error('utxo not found')
// Get the output data from the first utxo.
const utxo_data = utxos[0].txspend

For more detailed information, check out the Account data interface.

Register and Commit Funds

The next step is to register the utxo with the escrow server, and optionally provide a covenant that locks it to the contract. We can perform both actions using the commit method:

* Request to register a utxo with the escrow server, plus a covenant
* that locks the utxo to the specified contract.
import { config } from './00_demo_config.js'
import { client } from './01_create_client.js'

import { funder, new_account } from './06_request_account.js'

const req = funder.account.commit(new_account, new_contract, ret_rate, utxo_data)
// Deliver our registration request to the server.
const res = await client.account.commit(req)
// Check the response is valid.
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.error)

* The server will respond with the deposit account, which will be
* registered and locked to the contract. An updated copy of the
* contract is also provided in the response.
const funded_contract =
const locked_deposit =

Submit a Statement

Once all funding is confirmed (and the effective_at date is reached), the contract should activate, and a dedicated virtual Machine will become available.

Members of the contract can then submit statements to the escrow server. The server will input these statements into the Machine, and return a signed receipt of execution:

import { get_vm_config }   from '@scrow/sdk/vm'
import { WitnessData } from '@scrow/sdk/core'
import CVM from '@scrow/sdk/cvm'

import { client } from './01_create_client.js'
import { signers } from './02_create_signer.js'
import { active_contract } from './08_check_activation.js'

* Unpack the signing devices for Alice (the "buyer"),
* and Bob (the "seller").
const [ a_signer, b_signer ] = signers

* Configure and initialize a machine instance. We'll use this
* to validate our own statement, and to verify it was executed
* fairly by the escrow server.
const config = get_vm_config(active_contract)
// Create the initial state of the machine.
const vmdata = CVM.init(config)
// The machine id is derived from the contract.
const vmid = vmdata.vmid

* Configure a template for our statement. This template is used to check
* the contract for a matching program that will allow our statement.
const template = {
action : 'close',
method : 'endorse',
path : 'payout'

* Create and sign the witness statement using Alice's device, then
* use Bob's device to provide an additional signature.
let witness : WitnessData
// Alice signs the initial statement.
witness = a_signer.witness.create(vmdata, template)
// Bob endoreses the statement from Alice.
witness = b_signer.witness.endorse(vmdata, witness)

* Submit the signed witness statement to the escrow server.
const res = await client.vm.submit(vmid, witness)
// Check the response is valid.
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.error)

* The server will respond with a signed receipt of execution. This receipt
* commits to the witness statement, plus the new state of the machine.
const vm_receipt =

* We can use the receipt to verify that our witness statement was processed
* correctly by the escrow server.
client.witness.verify(vm_receipt, vmdata, witness)

If the statement satisfies a closing condition in the machine, it will also close the contract. If the machine output specifies a spending path, the escrow server will co-sign the relevant spending transaction. If the machine output returns null, all covenants will be released.

If spent, the updated contract will record this information under spent_txhex and spent_txid.

Verify Contract Settlement

import { assert } from '@scrow/sdk/util'
import CVM from '@scrow/sdk/cvm'

import { client } from './01_create_client.js'
import { active_contract } from './08_check_activation.js'
import { locked_deposit } from './07_deposit_funds.js'
import { witness } from './09_submit_statements.js'

* Fetch the latest contract state from the escrow server,
* which should now be closed and spent.
const res = await
// Check the response is valid.
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.error)
// Unpack the contract from the response.
const spent_contract =
// Assert that the contract is spent.
assert.ok(spent_contract.spent, 'contract has not been spent')

* Verify the entine contract state, including the funds spent
* and execution of witness statements.
contract : spent_contract,
engine : CVM,
funds : [ locked_deposit ],
statements : [ witness ]

// Unpack the txid from the spent contract.
const txid = spent_contract.spent_txid
// Lookup the transaction on the block-chain.
const txdata = await
// Print the transaction data to console.
console.dir(txdata, { depth : null })

And that is it! The on-chain transaction will look like an anonymous coin-join of single-key spends, and it can be fee-bumped by any recipient of the contract funds using CPFP.