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To get started, make sure you are running v19+ of node, then install the project dependencies using your node manager of choice:

node --version  # should be v19+
npm install # install dependencies

This project uses the following scripts:

  build         : Compiles the contents of `src` folder to `dist`. 
demo <chain> : Runs the protocol demo for the provided chain.
load <script> : Load and execute a `.ts` script at the provided path.
release : Builds and tests the current source for release.
scratch : Executes the `test/scratch.ts` file.
test : Runs the current test suite in `test/tape.ts`.

Running the Demo

The main demo is located in the /demo directory, and serves as a great resource for how to use the client library.

You can choose to run the protocol demo on the mutiny, signet, or testnet blockchain:

## Run the demo on the mutiny chain.
npm run demo mutiny

No wallet or software required. Simply follow the interactive prompts, and enjoy the protocol in action.

The mutiny chain is the fastest of the three demos, with 30 second blocks.

Testnet faucet is currently broke. You may need your own testnet coins.

Running in Replit

There is a replit clone of this repo that you can run in the browser:

Clicking Run at the top of the replit should run the demo.

Feel free to fork the replit and try out the developer tools!

Using the Client API Demos

There is a suite of client API examples located in the /demo/api directory.

Feel free to use npm run load to execute any of the example scripts:

npm run load demo/api/contract/read.ts

You can also specify a chain to use at the end of the command:

npm run load:signet demo/api/deposit/list.ts

If you run into any errors when using the demos, please consider filing an issue ticket!

Using the CVM Evaluation Tool

The CVM eval tool allows you to quickly evaluate a set of proposal terms and witness statements using a dummy virtual machine.

The tool uses an easy to read JSON file to load the data. This file can be re-written to demonstrate any contract scenario you wish.

npm run demo:vm

The tool and JSON file are located in the /demo/vm directory.

Using the Test Suite

The test suite is located in test/src, and controlled by the test/tape.ts file. Feel free to add/remove test packages from the main test method.

Some tests come with a verbose output, which you can enable with the VERBOSE=true flag.

Example of running the current test suite in verbose mode:

VERBOSE=true npm run test