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Reference guide for the EscrowSigner API.

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Signer Config

Configuration infterface for the EscrowSigner.

interface SignerOptions {
network : ChainNetwork
server_pk : string
server_url : string
xpub ?: string

Signer Interface

Class interface for the EscrowSigner.

class EscrowSigner {
static create (seed : Bytes, options ?: SignerOptions) => EscrowSigner

static generate (options ?: SignerOptions): EscrowSigner

static import (options ?: SignerOptions) : {
from_phrase : (phrase : string, salt? : string) => EscrowSigner
from_words : (words : string | string[], password?: string) => EscrowSigner

static restore (password: string, payload: string, options?: SignerOptions): EscrowSigner

static util: {
gen_seed : (size ?: number) => Buff
gen_words : () => string[]

constructor (signer: ClientSignerAPI, options ?: SignerOptions)

get network () : ChainNetwork
get pubkey () : string
get server_url () : string
get server_pk () : string
get xpub () : string

account: {
commit : (
account : AccountData,
contract : ContractData,
feerate : number,
utxo : TxOutput
) => CommitRequest

request : (locktime : number, return_addr : string) => AccountRequest
register : (account : AccountData, feerate : number, utxo : TxOutput) => RegisterRequest
verify : (account : AccountData) => string | null

contract: {
list : () => string
cancel : (cid : string) => string

deposit: {
cancel : (dpid: string) => string
close : (deposit: DepositData, feerate: number) => CloseRequest
list : () => string
lock : (contract: ContractData, deposit: DepositData) => LockRequest
verify : (deposit: DepositData) => void

draft: {
endorse : (session: DraftSession) => DraftSession
is_member : (session: DraftSession) => boolean
is_role : (role_id: string, session: DraftSession) => boolean
is_signed : (session: DraftSession) => boolean
join : (pol_id: string, session: DraftSession, options?: CredentialConfig) => DraftSession
leave : (session: DraftSession) => DraftSession

machine: {
list : () => string

wallet: {
has : (account: number, address: string, limit?: number) => boolean
get : (account: number, config?: AddressConfig) => string
new : (account: number, config?: AddressConfig) => string

witness: {
can_sign : (contract: ContractData, witness: WitnessData) => boolean
create : (vmdata: MachineData | MachineConfig, template: WitnessTemplate) => WitnessData
endorse : (vmdata: MachineData, witness: WitnessData) => WitnessData
list : () => string

backup (password : string) => string