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Reference guide for the ChainOracle class API.

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Oracle Interface

export declare class ChainOracle {

constructor (host : string, fetcher ?: typeof fetch)

get_tx (txid: string) : Promise<OracleTxData | null>
get_tx_status (txid: string) : Promise<OracleTxStatus | null>
get_outspend (txid: string, vout: number) : Promise<OracleOutSpend>
get_utxo_data (txid: string, vout: number) : Promise<OracleUtxoData | null>
get_first_utxo (address: string) : Promise<OracleUtxoData | null>
broadcast_tx (txhex: string) : Promise<string>
get_fee_target (target: number) : Promise<number>
get_address_utxos (address: string) : Promise<OracleUtxoData[]>
get_fee_estimates () : Promise<OracleFeeEstimate>

poll_address (
address: string,
interval: number,
retries: number,
callback?: (address: string, tries: number) => Promise<void>
) : Promise<OracleUtxoData>