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Proposal Interfaces

List of data interfaces for the Proposal API.

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Proposal Data

The data interface for a contract proposal.

interface ProposalData {
content ?: string // Store any kind of text or json data.
created_at : number // The UTC timestamp when the proposal was created.
deadline ?: number // The max length of a published contract.
duration : number // The max length of an active contract.
engine : string // Script engine to use for the contract.
effective ?: number // Set a specific date for activation.
feerate ?: number // Define a fee-rate to use for transactions.
moderator ?: string // Define a pubkey that can moderate the contract.
network : ChainNetwork // Chain network to use for the contract.
paths : PathEntry[] // Conditional payments in the contract.
payments : PaymentEntry[] // Unconditional payments in the contract.
programs : ProgramEntry[] // Programs available to run in the CVM.
schedule : ScheduleEntry[] // Scheduled tasks to run in the CVM.
title : string // The title of the contract.
value : number // The total value of the contract.
version : number // For future upgrades.

The proposal includes entry lists for the following items:

type PaymentEntry = [
value : number,
address : string

type PathEntry = [
path : string,
value : number,
address : string

type ProgramEntry = [
method : string,
actions : string,
paths : string,
...params : Literal[]

type ScheduleEntry = [
stamp : number,
action : string,
path : string