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Deposit Interfaces

List of interfaces for the Deposit API. Click on the links below to navigate:

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Covenant Data

The data interface for a Covenant object.

interface CovenantData {
cid : string // The identifier of the contract being funded.
cvid : string // The binding id between the contract and deposit.
pnonce : string // A random public nonce provided by the funder.
psigs : [ string, string ][] // List of partial signatures for the covenant.

Deposit Data

The main data interface for a deposit object.

interface DepositData {
agent_pk : string // The public key of the escrow agent.
agent_tkn : string // The agent token to use when creating a covenant.
account_hash : string // A hash digest of the original account request.
created_at : number // The UTC timestamp when the record was created.
created_sig : string // A signature from the agent, notarizing the account.
deposit_addr : string // The multi-sig bitcoin address for the deposit account.
deposit_pk : string // The public key of the user making the deposit.
dpid : string // The unique identifier of the deposit.
locktime : number // Desired locktime (in seconds) for account recovery.
network : ChainNetwork // The block-chain network to use.
return_addr : string // The return address to use when closing the deposit.
return_fees : number // The transaction fee amount to use when closing the deposit.
return_psig : string // Pre-authorization for returning the deposit.
satpoint : string // The unique txid:vout of the deposit utxo.
status : DepositStatus // The current status of the deposit.
updated_at : number // UTC timestamp for when the deposit was last updated.
utxo : TxOutput // The unspent output to register as a deposit.

The DepositData interface is extended by state interfaces, each one describing a state-change:

interface DepositConfirmState {
confirmed : boolean // Whether the deposit transaction is confirmed.
confirmed_at : number | null // The timestamp of the confirming block.
conf_block : string | null // The hash of the confirming block.
conf_height : number | null // The height of the confirming block.
expires_at : number | null // The expiration date of the deposit.

interface DepositReturnState {
closed : boolean // Whether the account is closed.
closed_at : number | null // UTC timestamp when the deposit was closed.
closed_sig : string | null // A confirmation signature from the escrow server.
return_txid : string | null // The transaction id of the return transaction.
return_txhex : string | null // The body of the return transaction (in hex).

interface DepositLockState {
locked : boolean // Whether the deposit is locked.
locked_at : number | null // UTC timestamp when the deposit was locked.
locked_sig : string | null // A confirmation signature from the escrow server.
covenant : CovenantData | null // Covenant that is locking the deposit.

interface DepositSpendState {
spent : boolean, // Whether the deposited funds have been spent.
spent_at : number | null // UTC timestamp when the deposited funds were spent.
spent_sig : string | null // A confirmation signature from the escrow server.
spent_txhex : string | null // The body of the spending transaction (in hex).
spent_txid : string | null // The transaction id for the spending transaction.

interface DepositSettledState {
settled : boolean // Whether the deposit account has been settled.
settled_at : number | null // UTC timestamp for when the account was settled.
settled_sig : string | null // A confirmation signature from the escrow server.
spent_block : string | null // The hash of the confirming block.
spent_height : number | null // The height of the confirming block.

Deposit Status

The available states for a deposit.

type DepositStatus = 
'registered' | // Deposit is registered. Awaiting confirmation.
'open' | // Deposit is confirmed and available for spending.
'closed' | // Deposit is closed. Funds are returned to sender.
'locked' | // Deposit is locked to a contract by a covenant.
'spent' | // Deposit has been spent. Awaiting confirmation.
'settled' | // Deposit is confirmed closed/spent and settled.
'error' | // Something went wrong. May require manual intervention.