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Oracle Interfaces

List of data interfaces for the Oracle API.

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Oracle Tx Data

Data interface for a transaction data object.

interface OracleTxData {
txid : string
version : number,
locktime : number
vin : OracleTxIn[]
vout : OracleTxOut[]
size : number
weight : number
fee : number
status : OracleTxStatus

interface OracleTxIn {
txid : string
vout : number
prevout : OracleTxOut | null
scriptsig : string
scriptsig_asm : string
witness : string[]
sequence : number
is_coinbase : boolean

interface OracleTxOut {
scriptpubkey : string
scriptpubkey_asm : string
scriptpubkey_type : string
scriptpubkey_address ?: string
value : number

Oracle Tx Status

Data interface for transaction confirmation status.

interface OracleTxStatus {
confirmed : boolean
block_hash : string | null
block_height : number | null
block_time : number | null

Oracle Outspend

Data interface for transaction output spend state.

interface UtxoSpent {
spent : boolean
txid : string | null
vin : number | null
status : OracleTxStatus

Oracle Utxo Data

Data interface for an unspent transaction output.

interface OracleUtxoData {
status : OracleTxStatus
utxo : TxOutput

Tx Output

Data interface for a transaction ouput.

interface TxOutput {
txid : string,
vout : number,
value : number,
scriptkey : string